Drinking water filter PROaqua 4200 was developed to filter out pollutants of all kinds and concentrations.
PROaqua 4200 - the Multi-Barrier-System-

Drink water filter PROaqua 4200
The new filter system of PROaqua 4200 - a Multi- Barrier-System - protects you and your family reliably against existing and unexpected water contamination. Nitrate, nitrite, pesticides, hydrogen carbon halides, heavy metals, radioactive particles, bacteria, parasites, viruses, to name but a few, are safely and completely filtered out. The water filtered by PROaqua 4200 reaches such a high level of purity that it is most suitable for the preparation of baby food.
The PROaqua 4200 potable water filter has been extensively tested during its development in the laboratories of the “Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern - LGA" (Bavarian Institute of Farming). The LGA (established in 1869) is an independent institute under the supervision of the Bavarian Ministry of Economy and member of the "Verband der deutschen Materialpruefaemter - VMPA" (Organization of the German Material Control Authorities).
The LGA confirms that the PROaqua 4200 filters water in an outstanding way: after the purification the amount of contamination is below the level of proof. Amongst others, it was confirmed that no bacteria or micro- organism can find their way into
The PROaqua 4200 potable water filter has been extensively tested during its development in the laboratories of the “Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern - LGA" (Bavarian Institute of Farming). The LGA (established in 1869) is an independent institute under the supervision of the Bavarian Ministry of Economy and member of the "Verband der deutschen Materialpruefaemter - VMPA" (Organization of the German Material Control Authorities).
The LGA confirms that the PROaqua 4200 filters water in an outstanding way: after the purification the amount of contamination is below the level of proof. Amongst others, it was confirmed that no bacteria or micro- organism can find their way into
the filtered water, due to the new diaphragm filter technique. The Max. v. Pettenkofer-Institute of vivology, the “Landesuntersuchungsamt fuer das Gesundheitswesen” (national health authority) and other independent laboratories confirm these statements.
Approx. 3 liters of drinking water are consumed per day and person in Europe. PROaqua 4200 filters two liters per minute - therefore the filter can be used even by large families.
Due to the possibility of combining different filter- media and -techniques, as well as more than 100 different ways of configuration, almost all known forms of water pollution can be eliminated permanently.
The way the filter is constructed secures the best possible filtration The so called “channel effect” does not occur.
The PROaqua 4200 is officially recommended and approved for the usage in single- and self- sufficient systems, which cannot be connected to a central supply system for technical or economical reason.
Approx. 3 liters of drinking water are consumed per day and person in Europe. PROaqua 4200 filters two liters per minute - therefore the filter can be used even by large families.
Due to the possibility of combining different filter- media and -techniques, as well as more than 100 different ways of configuration, almost all known forms of water pollution can be eliminated permanently.
The way the filter is constructed secures the best possible filtration The so called “channel effect” does not occur.
The PROaqua 4200 is officially recommended and approved for the usage in single- and self- sufficient systems, which cannot be connected to a central supply system for technical or economical reason.

What kind of harmful substances are retained?
Depending on the water pollution and the wishes of the user, it is possible to provide the PROaqua 4200 filter from PROVITEC with different filter media, for example: · to eliminate nitrate, nitrite, sulphate: - nitrate selective anion exchanger - · to eliminate organic compounds (e.g. pesticides, halo-genated hydrocarbons, chlorine etc.): - activated carbon obtained from coconut shells subject to charcoal treatment - · to eliminate lead, copper, zinc, iron, etc.: - various REDOX granulates - · to enrich water with mineral substances (calcium, magnesium): - dolomite rocks - · to eliminate lime, ammonium, potassium, etc.: - cation exchanger - · to eliminate bacteria: - fractional membrane filtration -

The filter media:
Selective anion exchanger: Nitrate and nitrite ions are exchanged for chloride ions by a selective anion exchanger. The remaining absorption capacity of the ion exchanger can be checked easily and quickly with the available test rod for nitrates (1 min.). If the color indicates a quantity of nitrate of more than 10 mg/l, the filter should be regenerated. In conventional nitrate water filters the anion exchanger would have to be replaced. The PROaqua 4200 is different. The "countercurrent regeneration" can be easily carried out by the user who can clean and disinfect all filter media. Regeneration costs approx. US-$ 0.50. There are no additional costs for cartridges or membranes! You can regenerate the anion exchanger used in the PROVITEC drinking water filter more than 1000 times. Consequently, the service life exceeds 25 years. Special activated carbon: The organic substances to be found in drinking water (eg. pesticides, volatile halogenated hydrocarbons, chlorine etc.) are ad- and absorbed by a special activated carbon. The activated carbon granulate used in the PROVITEC drinking water filter is made from coconut shells. This material has a much higher absorption capacity than conventional activated carbon.
REDOXOL granulates: By adding "REDOX" granulates to the PROVITEC drinking water filter, natural filtering effects are achieved through oxidation-reduction processes. Specially treated copper and zinc react to a great number of inorganic substances and heavy metals (eg. lead, cadmium, aluminium, mercury, copper, zinc, manganese etc.) and eliminate the same. Dolomite rocks: Minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are considered favorable in nutritional physiology, are not eliminated by the PROVITEC drinking water filter. On the contrary: Dolomite rocks help to enrich the filtered water with these minerals.
Cation exchanger: Upon request, the PROVITEC drinking water filter can also be equipped with a cation exchanger to eliminate lime (lime is a compound of magnesium and calcium) from the drinking water to improve the flavor of coffee and tea or to avoid sediments in household appliances. Germ membrane: The specially prepared germ membrane eliminates all germs and bacteria. The critics of public authorities which claims that "in cases of insufficient maintenance drinking water filters provoke the development of bacteria" do not concern the PROaqua 4200 at all. The bacteria filter (which is also used in serological medicine) meets the maximum safety requirements.

The PROVITEC drinking water filter is made of recyclable materials which comply to food regulations.