Drinking water filter PROaqua 4200 was developed to filter out pollutants of all kinds and concentrations. The information you will find on this homepage should give you an idea of the effectiveness and the high quality of the filtration reached with PROaqua 4200. All statements and general information are based on expert's reports and tests of independent institutes and governmental authorities.
The PROaqua 4200 series is the new standard for drinkWater preparation

The new filter system of PROaqua 4200 - a Multi-Barrier- System - protects you and your family reliably against existing and unexpected water contamination. Nitrate, nitrite, pesticides, hydrogen carbon halides, heavy metals, radioactive particles, bacteria, parasites, viruses, to name but a few, are safely and completely filtered out. The water filtered by PROaqua 4200 reaches such a high level of purity that it is most suitable for the preparation of baby food.
The PROaqua 4200 drinking water filter can be configured in more than 100 different ways - according to the respective pollution and to suit the user's needs and wishes.

2 Year Warranty | Drinking Water Filter PROaqua 4200
PROVITEC grants a 2 year warranty for PROaqua 4200. This includes the casing and the free replacement of all parts that are not worn out or used up.
You will find the guarantee certificate in the operating manual.
Parts subject to getting worn out or used up are for example:
- all filter media: activated carbon, ion exchange resin (nitrate resin, “lime” resin), REDOX-granules, dolomite rock
- bacteria filter
- filter fleece, salt tablets
- valves, ports, connecting pieces, pressure regulator etc.